Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture work in synergy. Our programme in Chinese Herbal Medicine is designed for healthcare professionals who want to expand their TCM career by following on with herbal medicine.
Our Diploma in Chinese Herbal Medicine is designed for acupuncturists who want to expand their TCM career by following on with herbal medicine. This course features online weekend lectures to allow you to study whilst you work.
Students will be taught the fundamentals of Chinese herbal medicine online. The course will teach 10 modules over 10 months, followed by an open book exam at the end of the 10 months.
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I learnt so much over these past 10 months, and the training provided by the expert lecturers has been incredibly valuable to my clinical practice. I highly recommend Phoenix Academy courses to take your learning to the next level.
Upon completion, students will be able to practice Chinese herbal medicine. This course is exclusively for healthcare professionals who already have a foundation in Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge.
By learning Chinese herbal medicine, you are setting yourself apart from other practitioners. You are able to broaden your knowledge and further skillset, which allows you to treat more patients and have other avenues of income.