Introduction to Scalp Acupuncture: 14 Lines and Clinical Practice


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Scalp acupuncture, also referred to as head acupuncture, is a treatment where needles are penetrated to certain points on the scalp. It has been proven to be effective for stroke patients, childhood cerebral palsy, comatose patients, dementia and Alzheimer patients. This method was invented by the Chinese scholar, Dr Jiao Shunfa in 1971. Since then, scalp acupuncture has grown in popularity in and outside of China and the treatment itself has been adopted by many practitioners. The 14 points were later approved in 1984 by the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) and head acupuncture became a recognised treatment in 1989. Whilst there are only 14 points, Scalp Acupuncture has yielded highly effective results. Prof. Hui Nie is a specialist in Scalp Acupuncture. Prof. Nie has successfully used scalp acupuncture to help treat over a thousand patients suffering from strokes, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, MS, headaches, cerebral palsy and comatose patients in China from 1983 to 2000. Since moving to the UK, Prof. Nie has continued to treat hundreds of patients with head acupuncture treatment.

Introduction to Scalp Acupuncture: 14 Lines and Clinical Practice by Prof. Hui Nie

Author: Prof. Hui Nie
Proofread by: Phoenix Academy of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Paperback: 67 pp
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-78926-671-9

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Weight 0.5 kg